Having the Correct DR Personnel Ready

I have been recovering from Covid19. Not the way I wanted to spend the early weeks of 2021, coming on the heals of a disastrous 2020. However, having Covid did provide some time to think about Disaster Recovery and always having the right personnel available. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to have the correct […]

What is the DR Manager’s Job During an Exercise?

The DR Manager wears many hats throughout the year. We are asked to put together Disaster Recovery (DR) Plans, Technical Recovery Plans (TRPs), Data Center Recovery Plans (DRPs), Business Impact Analysis (BIA) documents, as well as countless other documents. We need to know and have a good understanding of the technology employed in our data […]

DR Testing Methodology

When we consider the importance of Disaster Recovery (DR) within an organization, the only true performance measure is a recovery after an actual disaster event in our data center. So, how do you tell if you are ready for that type of event? Does testing monthly, quarterly, or annually provide any real value in defining […]

Technical Recovery Plan (TRP) Best Practices

Technical Recovery Plans (TRPs) are vital to any Disaster Recovery plan. These documents are the foundation for recovering your data center in the event of a true disaster or for testing out your plan and processes. But what should be included in the TRP document? Here we will discuss some of the Technical Recovery Plan […]

Disaster Recovery Minimum Control Standards

It seems like everything within Information Technology (IT) requires some sort of Minimum Control Standards (MCS) to operate. Some organizations call them Minimum Control Requirements or maybe even Minimum Internal Control Standards. The point is to ask whether MCS should apply to Disaster Recovery, and if so, at what level? For decades, organizations have tasked […]

Tiering Applications – How to decide what is important

One of the most important parts of a good DR (Disaster Recovery) plan is to understand the importance each application has within your organization. Only after you understand that can you begin to put each of the applications into Tier levels. Tier levels are the various timeframes that a DR Manager creates to determine when […]